Summerfield Pediatric Dentistry's Podcast

Episode 23: Appointment 23 - Truth Seekers



Welcome to a new chapter of this monthly storytelling with music.This time we go to the depths of nature to seek for the truth and beauty of Life. Find out a deeper meaning for our path in this planet; play the symphony of conscious earthlings.At some points of the world, ancestral cosmovisions says that each one of us is a song. Our life represent all the movements we find in a composition of melody, rhythm and harmony. Sometimes we are out of tune.But when we take a moment to breath, observe our thoughts, and strength our link to everything surrounding us, we tune our instruments and play beautiful music. And when we do it collectively we do a massive Symphony of Life.This new appointment is an invitation to seek for the Truth of life through music, beauty, joy and Presence.As each month we bring you a delightful selection of melodic and nature inspired house music. With subtle grooves, meaningful lyrics and cosmic melodies, for your listening pleasure.