Extraordinary Moms Podcast

Episode 381: Meaningful Goal Setting with Whitney English



My guest today is Whitney English. Whitney English, author of A More Beautiful Life, discusses how the HEART framework can help parents avoid burnout and make life a little more meaningful and manageable.  In the book, Whitney English shares personal stories and a proven system called the HEART method – which stands for Help Yourself, Empower Yourself, All Your People, Resources and Responsibilities, Trade and Talents - to encourage woman to discover and prioritize what matters most and dream better, not bigger! Whitney has boot-strapped two businesses to seven figures, has a degree in interior design, has studied management at Parsons in New York City, and has had her work featured in O magazine, The Wall Street Journal, the TODAY show. This Show is Sponsored by... Crispy Fruit snacks from Crispy Green are 100% pure freeze-dried fruit! No added sugar, additives or preservatives. Crispy Green uses food as a force for good by providing the highest quality natural food products, while inspiring others to live a