Santa Cruz Local

Ep 97 District 3 Santa Cruz County supervisor candidates address voters' priorities 4.26.22



In the June 7 primary election, North Coast and Santa Cruz residents will choose a new District 3 representative on the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors. We hear from residents about their priorities for the election. Then we meet candidates Shebreh Kalantari-Johnson, Justin Cummings and Ami Chen Mills and press them on residents’ concerns. We hear from the candidates on their plans to: Develop affordable housing. [21:17] Expand rent assistance programs. [27:47] Address homelessness. [34:59] Attract employers and create higher-paying jobs. [43:25] Repair roads, expand law enforcement and improve cellphone service on the North Coast. [50:10] Prioritize bike and walk projects and improve public transit. [57:07] We also press Justin Cummings and Shebreh Kalantari-Johnson on their voting records on the Santa Cruz City Council. [1:03:40] Read the transcript with links to our related stories. Read Santa Cruz Local’s Elections Guide with information on this and other ra