Women's Leadership, Women's Career Development, Business Executive Coaching & Podcast By Sabrina Braham Ma Ppc

How To Get Women On Boards | BOARD-SEEKER: Your Guidebook for Women into the Corporate Boardroom | WLS 97



Ever wondered there are so many challenges getting women on boards in the corporate world? How do companies benefit with having women on boards? Do you want to know how being on a board can radically enhance your career and connections? Then take some time to listen as my guest, Mr. Ralph Ward shares great insight on the concept of women’s leadership and how to get women on boards. This is a great opportunity to learn new strategies that can help put more women on more leadership boards and help them make giant strides in their careers. How to get women on boards expert Ralph Ward Why is Getting Women on Boards a Necessary Conversation? Even though boardroom diversity is gradually increasing, women still remain grossly underrepresented on leadership boards in the workplace. Delloite carried out an assessment of about 6000 companies in 49 countries and found out that the percentage of board seats held by women is only 12%. This number is quite measly considering the fact that women are becoming more