Per Service Podcast

What Even is “Flow” and How Do I Get It? [PSP25]


Sinopse What's the deal with people talking about "Flow?" Why is it such a big deal? Is it something I can really control, or am I at the mercy of the Muse? Turns out there are four different types of people who access their Flow state completely differently. Finding out which type of person you are is the first step in getting more moments of Flow. And luckily there is a super simple quiz to figuring out who you are. The Deep Thinker, The Hard Charger, The Flow Goer, or the Crowd Pleaser. Who even are you?? “The BEST moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times…the best moments usually occur when a persons body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile” -Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi The post What Even is “Flow” and How Do I Get It? [PSP25] appeared first on Orchestra Excerpts.