Revelstoke Mountaineer Podcast

Revelstoke highway 'freedom' protest participants share their perspectives



Protesters opposed to pandemic-related restrictions and other issues gathered on the Trans-Canada Highway in Revelstoke on Feb. 12, 2022, a day that saw continued protests in Ottawa and blockades at blockades at border crossings in Ontario, Alberta, and B.C. To cover the story, we opted for an audio format, producing this Revelstoke Mountaineer Podcast episode and you can see further reporting on the protest on The protesters are mistrustful of the media, saying so many times in our interviews, so we told the protesters we’d be doing roughly five-minute audio interviews with each, then we'd them together into the podcast. We spoke to four protesters: Shawn Sanders, who was one of the leaders of the protest, volunteered to go first. After that, protester Renee Shaw, who was dancing energetically and waving iridescent costume wings next to the highway, was quick to volunteer next. After that interview, we addressed part of the crowd, asking for volunteers. Michael Ferrera, who w