Men In Gorilla Suits

Last Seen...Finding Time



Jim Croce wrote one of the best lines about the human struggle against time: "But there never seems to be enough time To do the things you want to do once you find them." This time around, the Gorillamen talk about making time for the things they love...and how they deal with time spent doing things they'd rather not do. Specifically, these points: When did you first encounter the concept of taking time with something? In any given week, how hurried do you feel? How important is taking time/claiming time to you (whether it's in the work you do or just chilling)? What are your favorite things to do with the time you have? In general, do you think people in the U.S. use their time well? What role does work and technology play in how people in how we spend our time? Is the concept of having free time a thing of the past? Is having time a privilege? What things would you add to your life if you had more time? What media (songs, books, movies, TV, whatever) are good examples of taking one's time wi