Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Compassionate Capitalist Show: Master Your Time and Focus with Joe Sanok



Time is precious. No matter how much money you make, you can't buy more time. Once it passes, it is no longer a resource to be tapped to enjoy leisure, get work done, or spend with loved ones. Everything revolves around the concept of time. Why is a workweek 40 hours and normal work days are Mon-Fri and so many 'working for the weekend'?  Side-hustle aside, why do we have laud entrepreneurs' "hustle culture" mentality in which working 70 - 80 hours to get the job done on your business is considered a strength not a weakness?   Listen to Karen Rands and Joe Sanok, author of the breakthrough book, "Thursday is the New Friday: How to work fewer hours, make more money, and spend time doing what you want." We discuss the WHY & the HOW TO laid out in the book, and how Joe coaches entrepreneurs to master their internal inclinations and work style to create a four-day work week that boosts innovation, results, and personal well being. Learn the tactics the most successful entrepreneurs have incorporated to unloc