Email Expert Podcast

Interview: Kevin Polley of ARP Reach Email Software



On today’s show we have Kevin Polley - Founder of the marketing firm Mutual Advantage in the UK and owner of the software ARP Reach. Also the CEO and founder of Wordpress webhost called, ARP Reach is a piece of software you can install on your own web host for sending email, setting up autoresponders etc. It can be installed on a smaller web host or in the Amazon cloud, or on a custom server and allows you to manage your OWN reputation and your OWN marketing without the heavy hand of ESP’s like Aweber, Infusionsoft etc.Kevin - Before we dig into the meat of today’s chat, tell us a bit about yourself and how you found yourself the owner of this amazing technology?Tell us a little bit about what you like about ARP and what you feel it’s advantages are?Questions I asked Kevin: - How long have you been managing email systems?- A while back you told me about this gentleman that’s score dropped really low… (no names needed) how low did it actually get? - What types of things did you do and