Vancouver Tech Podcast

Episode 94: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & ICOs with Boris Mann of FrontierFoundry



Special Guest Boris Mann of FrontierFoundry Special Guest Boris Mann of FrontierFoundry joins host Drew Ogryzek to discuss blockchain, cryptocurrency and ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings). Mann is an active contributor to helping grow Vancouver's technical community, he is involved in open source, running "geek meetups," and started FrontierFroundry with Adrian Jonklaas in March of 2017. FrontierFoundry was concieved with the question in mind, "What kind of company can we build in Vancouver that really has the whole world as its customers; that goes global from day one?" and thinking of areas of frontier technology, a very broad space where there's not a lot of concensus or understanding as to what successful companies in this space look like. This space includes blockchain, augmented reality, and machine learning, and other emerging tech. How are companies in this space funded? How are they created? Who are their customers? Mann explains that blockchain really has three definitions: The com