Emc2 Aim Program Of Energetic Balancing

EPISODE553 - EMC2 AIM Program of Energetic Balancing



Discussions of energetic imbalances may reference certain frequencies an imbalance may be similar to. A frequency is NOT the actual disease; Newly revealed imbalances added to the AIM database; One of the new frequencies was revealed via an 11 month life force check which doesn't happen often but speaks to the evolution of testing methods; Meditation seems to be more mainstream lately, mentioned in the news plus lots of meditation apps available. Read today's daily Abraham quote from their Getting Into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide, which stresses breathing and focusing on what is wanted, not what the obstacles or shortages appear to be; Discussed the importance of patience and optimism in everything, including self-healing. There is no way of knowing how many imbalances have conspired to contribute to any given issue; We applaud all AIMers and are grateful for all that each one contributes to the AIM Program as we welcome 2017. Happy New Year!