Grace On Fire | Craft Your Life For A Higher Purpose

Parkland School Shooting – How To Navigate Planet Death | GOF79



The Parkland School Shooting is another vivid reminder of the sickness that pervades our society. When children murder other children, we need as a nation to slow down and ask “what’s happening”? What’s going on? What are the conditions in our families, cities, and society that are leading to this kind of outcome? We then need to listen. Questions and statements like these ultimately lead to different solutions. For the Christian, however, we need to withdraw from the debates just long enough to remember one thing. We live on planet death. So how do we navigate this planet? On today’s show, I offer my candid response to the Parkland School shooting, challenging Grace Nation to think deeply about the issues at stake. The post Parkland School Shooting – How To Navigate Planet Death | GOF79 appeared first on Grace Nation: Think Differently.