Friday Fables

The Fable of the Great Horned Owl



The Fable of the Great Horned Owlby Barry J. Northern There once was a great horned owl who loved to hunt. He became known among the other owls for his great skill, even though his kind were hunters by nature. The other owls loved him, and so it was not long before he found himself a wife and made nest with her.Early in spring the couple's first clutch hatched, and soon five owlets were screeching for food. It was a large family, but Mother did not worry, for her husband's skills meant there would always be plenty for her and her children to eat. Nevertheless, before he set off for work early in the evening, she said to him."I shall miss hunting with you, husband, but I must stay at nest and keep our young ones warm.""Fear not, wife, for I will soon return." And then he swooped off the branch and was lost to the shadows of the deepening night.It was not long before Hunter returned, with food enough for the children. Mother fed her hungry owlets while Hunter flew off to find more food for her. Again he returne