Friday Fables

The Fable of the Rhino and the Oxpecker



The Fable of the Rhino and the Oxpeckerby Barry J. Northern One morning, a black rhino looked up from the thorny bush he was stripping with his hooked lips, for he heard the distant rumble of hoofbeats.He squinted against the savannah sun and could see only a cloud of dust with a vaguely darker kernel, for his eyesite was poor.He set his feet to the ground and charged off to meet this new threat, for the bush was good, and the females were nearby.An oxpecker, who had been working at a tick near Rhino's ear, flew up above his head. "Charge, my tick-infested friend, charge well. Don't worry about your wounds, for I will keep them clean for you."Rhino called back. "Thank you little friend. I will be back as soon as I have dealt with my enemy."Rhino charged, and soon shortened the distance between himself and the approaching blur. The hoofbeats grew louder, until soon they were as loud as his own, and the distance closed so that even Rhino could clearly see his enemy -- another male, like himself.He called out to