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Learn to Speak German - Lesson 048 -Jahreszeiten



Autumn is about to end. The trees start to seriously drop their leaves and sad and gray November is approaching. Today we will therefore sit down with a cup of tea and some Spekulatius cakes (my favorite) and talk about seasons.Here you see Luzern as we see it at the moment...die Jahreszeit - seasonder Frühling - springder Sommer - summerder Herbst - autumnder Winter - winterder Schnee - snowdie Blätter - leavesdie Sonne - sunder Regen - rainder Sturm - stormdie Schneekanone - snowgunThis picture is taken from half way up mount Pilatus, looking towards the mountain called die Rigi.Use this free podcast to learn to speak German. http://german-podcast.blogspot.com