

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 132 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond Family is such a beautiful word. What does it mean to you to have a family? Does it mean siblings spending time together, or visiting family members whom you haven't seen for a while? Does it mean sometimes taking the advice from your parents and listening to it carefully? I have an idea to share with you what family is. Family is a gathering of loving people who care for one another, and look at each other at any given time with an eye of love and accepting. And at the same time, always remembering that the bond that exists between all of them is at the root of being the family. Once you remember that you come from the same source and you actually are part of the same source, the family bond becomes undeniably strong and unequivocally tied to you. When a tree grows, it has branches and the branches extend upward and outward. As those branches extend they often give life to trees of their own. How? The tree itself grows into