What's up in Taiwan

WuiT #047: Linda Hinderer



Filed Under: Family Issues, Senior Friendly.Download this interview!One of our listeners, a student at Yang Ming University invited Henry to be a judge in the Toastmaster English Speech Competition. There, we met Linda who was one of the other judges and asked her to be in our show.Linda has been in Taiwan for 25 years now, volunteering for many non-profit organizations. Currently, she works in The Garden of Hope Foundation which is working to end sexual abuse and domestic violence. We did the interview in her house, the same place that housed the many abused girls she helped to rescue.We pay our respects to Linda for her devotion to Taiwan.Rate Episode #047:***** **** *** ** *   Henry因為主持What's up in Taiwan,受到節目的聽眾、陽明大學學生Tom的邀請,擔任Toastmaster英語演講比賽的評審,當天我們認識了也是評審之一的Linda,經過邀約,她答應接受我們的訪問。Linda來台已經25年,從事過各種社會服務工作,目前在勵馨社會福利事業基金會擔任義工,訪問在她家裡進行,同時也是她收容不幸少女的中途之家。我們向Linda對台灣的奉獻致敬。