What's up in Taiwan

WuiT #049: Jamali Jack & Jeana Noel (part 2)



Filed Under: Differences, Tourism for Our Friends.Download this interview!This week is the second part of our interview with Jamali and Jeana, we asked the lovely couple to introduce their beautiful island. Jamali sent us some special music that we will be playing in the background, see if you can feel the vibes of the Caribbean.Link to Raffles Resort Canouan Island.PS, This interview was held on a windy afternoon, the sound quality was barely managable. We appologize to those whe actually cares (/K0?.Rate Episode #049:***** **** *** ** *   本週繼續是Jamali與Jeana訪問的第二部份,我們也讓這對來自遠方的朋友介紹一下他們的國家。Jamali特別Email了一些他們的音樂給我,在節目中當做背景播出,讓大家感受一下加勒比海的情調。(訪問當天風大,導致音質不甚理想,請多包含。)