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Things Parents Need To Stop Saying To Non-Parents – Episode 14



Hosts Mary and Blake discuss the top five things parents need to stop saying to non-parents with special guest Jim & return special guest Erik.  Based on an article featured in The Huffington Post by John Kinnear of, we ask Jim & Erik to rate each phrase on a Hate Scale of 1-5.  In this episode you'll learn why Blake thinks he's married to Kevin Costner, why some people need to be condemned to a minivan for the rest of their lives, why there were special appearances by Penelope The One Upper, William Wallace of Braveheart fame, and Alvin & The Chipmunks, and why Mary spent the day in bed eating a pint of Phish Food while watching re-runs of Game Of Thrones. Subscribe: (AAC) |(Download (.mp3)| Like Us On Facebook (To download, click the link to load page, then select File - Save Page As...from your menubar to save to your computer.)       Show Notes:     The Hate Scale For Today's Episode:   1. You get a hall pass   2. I'm going to give you judgey eyes from across the room