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Tips On How To Keep Friends With Kids And No Kids – Episode 16



Hosts Mary and Blake discuss the Listener Topic!  That's right, you guys voted on it and we're delving right into how people with kids can maintain relationships with people who don't have kids.  In this episode, you'll learn why Mary is Playboy hott, why being friends with kidless people is a lot of pointed hard work,  why something Blake says in this episode will piss off literally half the world, and why there has been 274 straight days of agonizing torture in house Larsen. Subscribe: (AAC) |Download (.mp3)| Like Us On Facebook (To download, click the link to load page, then select File - Save Page As...from your menubar to save to your computer.)   Show Notes: Mary's Playboy centerfold picture:   Parent Picks: Blake: Take a picture of your kid at least once every other week and archive it. Mary:  Go out with a friend and thank them for sticking by you during your transition into parenthood.