Parentcast: New Parents | New Babies | New Adventures | A New Kind Of Crazy

Breastfeeding – Tips, Tricks, Successes + Heartaches (part1) – Episode 19



Hosts Mary and Blake discuss all there is to know about Breastfeeding with special guest - Kathy Moren, owner of Health Babies, Happy Moms, Inc.  There is actually so much great information from Kathy that we had to split this episode in two!  So, in part one, you'll learn why Blake regrets a certain line from the previous episode, why we need a resident feces expert, why your newborn's behavior WILL change when you get home and why that's totally normal, why breastfeeding is NOT supposed to hurt, the differences between "foremilk" and "hindmilk," and the many tips and tricks Kathy has to improve your breastfeeding experience. All of the listener feedback - including the questions from our listeners for Kathy - will be in the next episode, as well as our whines, wins, parent picks, and the close out.  Subscribe: (AAC) | Download (.mp3) | Mobile Play | Like Us On Facebook (To download, click the link to load page, then select File - Save Page As...from your menubar to save to your computer.)   Show Notes: