Daylight - A Webcast By Olivier Day

Ep. 003 : Social Media (ft. David Esquire)



Get ready for another enlightening hour of thrilling yet insightful discussion. As always, 30-yr photography veteran David Esquire of Esquire Photography joins me as we take on our most recent topic of discussion : Social Media - for photographers.An hour isn't nearly enough with all the ground we've got to cover on the topic from ...whether or not a photographer can afford NOT to be on a social media platform we should mind the fact that users are not the same on every platform to...the fact that your online presence is a brand - cater to it.[...]Full story here If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element Direct link to downloading the audio version available here(Do a 'Right-Click' - then select  "Save Link/Target As...')