You Can't Spell Crapface Without Pfa

Crapface 38: 3 years later, Death Hole



Episode 38crapface_38.mp3Running time: 1:21:45Your favorite Pretentious Fucks are joined by Gina, AKA the Macrame Bird of Prey and Dr. Katz.Topics Mentioned in this show: Traditions The Fit is Go! Stuff White People Like PAUSE! Gina is not dead yet! Ryan is minus one appendix Spore Ice Cream! Sarah Palin's Fake Accent Touch the Magic Retard Baby! Is politics PFA? "He runs for office and he can Sail...board" "Yay for no shame" Gina's new music "I play the tomato" hating bands for the members guilty pleasure bands most searched terms of 2008 - Miley Cyrus Britney makes a comeback... again back to Gina's new music we need a recording engineer FullSail Penn State sunburns finally the song - "Spitting Wooden Nickels" David Byrne the birthday party of today's PFAs cats Bug Boy's text message "my cat is named Muffin too!" eating Play-Doh and Paste and Coloring Books Vegan stuff in Orlando it's not healthy just because it's Vegan Gina's Rebel Nutritionist Tips Stuff you're not supposed to eat Facebook Bug Boy's Bark