Living Your Passion

Pete Farmer on Giving Tools to Musicians to Express Themselves Musically



I received the following email from the wife (Kate) of today's guest (#33), Pete Farmer. I just stumbled across your website and podcast and couldn't help but think of our little business, Farmer Foot Drums, and my husband Pete Farmer. We built this business from scratch and it has been an incredible labor of love to see a dream and passion through. Pete is hands down the most determined, motivated, creative and passionate person I know - he is a self-taught designer, engineer, craftsman and musician. He has designed and created truly unique musical instruments and started a web retail business without any formal education in music, business, website, or graphic design. We now have three young children and I am on board (part-time) and it is now a true family business. Wow, right? As you can imagine, I replied immediately and a few weeks later, Pete and I were talking! Pete's passion: Giving tools to musicians to express themselves musically. As it turns out - right now - these tools are FOOT DRUMS. In case y