Fight Night

Season 1 Episode 6: The Revenge of Skype



We had significant Skype issues which resulted in the loss of two guest hosts and the echo in the audio. Tried everything I could but I couldn't remove it. Still it is a good 'cast.NOTE. Discussion: Do We take our hobby too seriously? when does excitement and such turn into obsession and seriousness. Why must we have everyone see it our way….can we admit our mistakes in plays and tactics, in paint schemes…..first army - (BoLS) what was your first army and why?New GW Hobby Stuff: Spear Head. WHOA! is it a mini-apocalypse for regular 40K? If 6E 40K were coming do you think they might alter the force org…GW has said mechanics are fine….they will fine tune it from here.WWJD (What Would Jervis Do): What would you do if you were Jervis for a day