The Tantric Lounge Radio Show

Episode 3:1 The Way of Surrender



Imagine letting go and simply allowing what will be to be, without fighting or striving, with a sense of ease and flow. Surrendering... There isn’t really a word in the English language that has a positive sense to letting go of control, just allowing. Which might be one of the reasons why so many people find it hard to do. We spend our lives trying hard, working at things, wanting to achieve goals and success. And then in the down-time doing the opposite, zombying out in front of the television, zoning out with drugs and alcohol. It’s like the switches are set to full on or full off. There’s another way, The Way of Surrender. Think of it as trusting that the Universe is safe, has your best interest at heart, and if you allow it, life will unfold and flow just beautifully... Download Audio: The Way of Surrender