The Tantric Lounge Radio Show

Episode 3:6 Sound Intimacy



A great and often under appreciated aspect of sexuality is that of harmony, and one of our most easily accessed paths to harmony is through sound. In this Tantric Lounge episode sound therapist Lia Smith talks to Xavier and I about how she uses sound to evoke both harmony within ourselves and with our partners. We also explore the issue of intimacy and how we align ourselves through sound and vibration. Guest Sex Geek Info Lia is an artist, bio-energetic medicine practitioner and birth Doula. Her interdisciplinary practice finds her weaving together skills and interests between the art and health worlds. In recent years she founded a wellness centre in the heart of Sydney's iconic Bondi Beach. Currently based in the Blue Mountains, she practices as a therapist and performance artist Australia-wide and abroad. She offers one-to-one wellness consultations, energetic body balances, bio energetic qi gong, sound healing and birth attendant services. She runs workshops in a range of areas, from authentic relating a