Wynn With Dogs- Healthy & Happy Dogs - Pets & Animals On Pet Life Radio (petliferadio.com)

PetLifeRadio.com - Episode 7 Deciphering Your Dog’s Demeanor



Do you ever wonder what your pups are thinking? Chances are, they are showing us exactly what’s on their mind with their body language. Dogs, and humans, communicate non-verbally…if only we would pay attention! Listen in as Raquel chats with dog trainer and behaviorist, Kat Martin. Please our patient pups and learn how to decipher our dog’s body language. What can we discern by being aware of our canine’s non-verbal cues? What will watching the tail, eyes, ears, and fur tell us about our canine companions? A lot! Don’t miss this opportunity to brush up on your communication skills. Tune in to this episode and you too can win with dogs! More details on this episode MP3 Podcast -Deciphering Your Dog’s Demeanor with Raquel Wynn