Wynn With Dogs- Healthy & Happy Dogs - Pets & Animals On Pet Life Radio (petliferadio.com)

PetLifeRadio.com - Episode 13 Revolutionary Rover Rehab!



Massage therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, cryotherapy, range of motion exercises...not for humans but for our dogs!! Discover the latest in pain management and canine rehabilitation as Raquel speaks with Dr. Jeffrey Kozak, MD, and CEO of the Canine Health Institute. In the words of Dr. Kozak, -- whether you are a dog or a human, injuries and surgeries cause pain and inadequate pain relief delays and inhibits the recovery process. The same approaches used when caring for humans are available to diagnose and improve the quality of life for man’s best friend. Here, here! We second that opinion!! Listen in on how to improve your pup’s longevity and win with dogs! More details on this episode MP3 Podcast -Revolutionary Rover Rehab with Raquel Wynn