Wynn With Dogs- Healthy & Happy Dogs - Pets & Animals On Pet Life Radio (petliferadio.com)

PetLifeRadio.com - Wynn With Dogs - Episode 18 Get Back, You Bully!



No one likes a bully, especially our canine kids. Positive reinforcement, reward, and consistency, rather than dominance, punishment, and alpha-ing result in a much healthier relationship with our pups. Kat Martin, the best positive pup trainer in town, joins Raquel once again on "Wynn with Dogs!" Listen in as these lovely ladies chat about the dominance theory, and why they do not advocate this method of training. You can have a well-behaved canine member of the family by establishing boundaries, rewarding good behavior, and interacting consistently in a loving manner with your dogs. No need for choke collars, spankings, or screaming matches with your fabulous furry friends. Get the knowledge and win with dogs! More details on this episode MP3 Podcast -Get Back, You Bully! with Raquel Wynn