Train Station At 8: A Video Game Music Podcast

49: "Jump On In! (Overworld)" with the Super Marcato Bros.



The talented Super Marcato Bros. have recently shared their double album tribute to Super Mario World and Yoshi's Island, Hello World, with... well, the world! We've got all three of them here to tell us the tale of how they stepped into Koji Kondo's venerable shoes and created two SNES soundtracks from the ground up. Karl, Marty, and Will always have interesting stuff to say and this is no exception, so pull up a seat and enjoy this most brotherly of episodes.You can find Karl and Will at the Super Marcato Bros. website and Marty on Twitter!Buy "Jump On In! (Overworld)" here!How did you like this episode? If the answer is "lots" then consider following Train Station at 8 on Twitter, subscribing on iTunes, or maybe sending an email to TrainStationAt8@g