Train Station At 8: A Video Game Music Podcast

54: Setting the Mood with Rich Vreeland (Disasterpeace)



This week we have a very nice chat with Rich Vreeland, known to some as Disasterpeace, to others as the man behind the Fez soundtrack, and to Bryan as "that Cat Astro Phi guy." We cover all of the important things such as Splatoon's way funky tunes and also website domains for some reason ( coming soon). To top it off, Rich tallies up an impressive Train Your Brain score-- we think. The math was sort of confusing.Learn about all things Disasterpeace at his website (, of course). You can also track him down on Twitter.This week's Open Question: "Do you play certain songs, albums, and artists to fit different moods?"How did you like this episode? If the answer is "lots" then consider following Train Station at 8 on Twitter, subscribing on&nb