An Oral History Of The Church

Vol. 2 Ep. 7 History Writing



What is history, and what is history writing? Is there a difference? What is the best way of writing history? The entire volume has culminated to this point, folks. We've looked at the individual tasks that make up the historian's work. Now comes the discussion on the philosophy of history. We talk through different perspectives on the issue, then present our own. We have quite a list of book recommendations for you this time, as well.  In two weeks, on February 10th, we will release the FINAL EPISODE of this volume. We've had a lot of fun, but it's time to wrap this one up before we move on to the next. Our final episode puts the spotlight on practicum: how did these history writings do well, and how can they grow? One text will be a piece written by co-host Adam Christman. The other is chapter 1 of Gerald Bray's "Augustine: On the Christian Life: Transformed by the Power of God." So if you'd like to read Bray's chapter in advance, get your hands on a copy and be prepared for us to discuss how he goes about