Drink Spin Run: The Rpg Talkshow Podcast

Drink Spin Run S2 E7.2: Pushing Boundaries and Innovation



Our Guests+Alex Mayo+Chris KutalikShow Notes after the jumpGuest NotesChris KutalikHydra CooperativeHill Cantons blogSlumbering Ursine DunesFever-Dreaming Marlinko[NEW!] Misty Isles of the EldAlex MayoLayout and illustration for lots of OSR products!Penetralia blog - No longer availableShow NotesThis is the second half of our conversation with Chris & Alex. The first part (Episode 7.1) aired on 3/24/16.Talking about pushing boundaries.Chris messes with form a lot, specifically the point-crawl.Problem: "Where are these things in the hex?" Instead of "What's in the hex?" the point-crawl strips out the empty space and instead moves between interesting things. (Then Adam kind of missed the point and got corrected by Chris)Alex pushes boundaries in art.A common thread in this conversation (but that Adam doesn't realize until the end) is that better decisions, better innovations and better gaming happens when we are authentic and genuine to our own thoughts and experiences. Alex: "One of the thin