Drink Spin Run: The Rpg Talkshow Podcast

Drink Spin Run S3 1.2: Mining Childhood and Fairy Tales



Daniel's Cat-in-the-Hat voice is the stuff of nightmares. Our Guests+Kiel Chenier+Daniel BishopShow Notes after the jumpGuest NotesKiel ChenierBlood in the Chocolate [[Print & PDF]] [[PDF]]Dungeon & Donuts blogDaniel BishopOMG all this stuff on RPGNow.com [[RIGHT HERE]]Raven Crowking's Nest blogShow Notes+Stacy Dellorfano's Zaya's Promise [[HERE]]+Harley Stroh's Bride of the Black Manse [[PDF HERE]] [[PRINT HERE]]+Pearce Shea's In The Woods [[HERE]]Thanks for joining us for this episode of Drink Spin Run. If you like what you've heard, share us with your friends, leave us an iTunes review or send us an email at dsr@kickassistan.net. You can also support us at http://www.patreon.com/DSRCast. Our theme music was generously provided by the band Blue Snaggletooth (http://bluesnaggletooth.bandcamp.com). Once again, thanks for listening, you gorgeous listeners. Loading...