Head-fi Podcast (head-fi.org)

Head-Fi Podcast Episode 002



Head-Fi Podcast Episode 002--which is a sort of interim episode (explained in the Podcast)--contains a brief interview with Stereophile's Wes Phillips, who discusses the upcoming Home Entertainment 2007 Show in New York, the Stereophile website, and Podcasting.I also describe one more step we've taken to technically improve the Podcast.And Luis--known here as LFF--caps off the episode with a splendidly done interview with Steve Hoffman.  Through some well-chosen, well-crafted questions, LFF is able to get Steve Hoffman to share a lot of the information that made Steve's lecture at the 2007 International Head-Fi Meet in San Jose so special; and he also gets Steve to discuss cool stories and information that weren't discussed at the lecture.  Luis, your interview style in this segment was pro, man--I could learn a thing or two (or ten) from it.There'll be much more 2007 International Head-Fi Meet information, coverage and commentary in the upcoming Head-Fi Podcast Episode 003.