Universal Windows Podcast

Episode 096 - Beneath a Surface



Introduction Universal Windows Podcast – Episode 96 Special guest Brad Sams @BDSAMS Brad has nearly a decade of writing and publishing experience under his belt. From breaking news about Microsoft to pushing publications to new heights, he has significant experience as a journalist as well as growing web-based brands. Word of the Week Enjoy a sip of your favourite beverage each time any of us says "Windows" Interview of the Week Introduction to the book Beneath a SURFACE is available on Amazon in Kindle format and will soon be available on paper! A retrospective of all Microsoft Surface Devices from the Surface Table to the Surface Headphones and lots of insight into Windows 8 / 10 Meets Talk about the personalities that made it all possible from Steven Sinofsky @stevesi to Joe Belfiore @JoeBelfiore The "Good Old Days" at Microsoft Microsoft really hated the press Early Surface Pro Mockup      Lapable - I thought Colin had invented the word Lapable (June 4 2015) SkyDrive -> OneDrive - i