Universal Windows Podcast

Episode 097 - No More Excuses



Introduction Universal Windows Podcast – Episode 97 – No Excuses Excuses for no new episodes include Christmas Funerals Australia ACLs Cuba CES Weddings New Years Microsoft MVP Summit March 17-22 Word of the Week Enjoy a sip of your favourite beverage each time any of us says "Excuses" News of the Week All About assistants CES - Where mediocre ideas go to??? Tips for attending CES and survive Qualcomm aims straight at Intel with 8cx chip, its first CPU for PCs Worst of CES Bendable screen Another freaky kids robot Suitcases Victrola Record Players Polaroid Amazon makes clear it's now competing with shippers like FedEx and UPS in its annual filing Whisky of the Week Benromach 10 – yummy Transcript Courtesy of Wit.AI Episode 097 - No More Excuses Transcript [0:00] Hello i'm cortana welcome to the universal windows podcast the show about everything windows such a service x box phones and the windows insider program, who are your hosts the surface smiths on gold smith and we're the surface smith