Universal Windows Podcast

Episode 098 - Countdown



Introduction Universal Windows Podcast – Episode 98 – Countdown Countdown Less than a month to Microsoft MVP Summit March 17-22 Almost at our 100th podcast – which we will record at the Microsoft MVP Summit David has a new contract – SCCM! Word of the Week Enjoy a sip of your favourite beverage each time any of us says "Countdown" Feature of the Week Back in Episode 005 we talked about the "Super Sucker" – a method of locking a Microsoft Surface In this Episode we talk about the Kensington Cable Lock for Surface Pro and Surface Go. News of the Week Microsoft fixes connection problems with Windows Update  Galaxy Fold 3 screens Thick $2,000 US$   Galaxy 10 Fingerprint reader on the front Bigger display Wireless power sharing Still has a headphone jack! Windows Insider Build 20H1 - Skip Ahead Microsoft Says Windows 10 Will Commandeer Storage For Upgrade Office as a Progressive Web App   Whisky of the Week Hellyers Road Distillery Tasmania Transcript provided by Wit.ai 2018