Knit One, Crochet Too

Episode 1: Taking the plunge!



Listen NowWe've finally taken the plunge and started a podcast and this accompanying blog. This has been percolating for a while, but as always, time flies by, and there are too many things to do, and not enough time.Episode 1 of the Knit One, Crochet Too podcast includes the following:1) our Monday morning weekend wrap up where we discuss our weekend endeavors, and I report on my ongoing designs and knitting projects2) a mini lesson on color selections, with suggestions where to look for ideas for inspiring colors3) a short reading of a knitting related essayHere is what the failed (so far) capelet design worked in Linus yarn looks like - before frogging.This is a close-up view (above) of the end where the 1" band turned into a 4" band...and still not big enough to go around the shoulders and arms, unless I place a buttonhole at the very top, and the capelet is worn open in the center. Not the look I was looking for.This shows you the entire thing...mostly finished...with all the small braided