Knit One, Crochet Too

Episode 2: Destash and Design to Fit



Listen NowAnother week has passed and we've managed to stay on schedule with our second episode of the podcast. Next week will most likely be off track as I will be out of the office through Wednesday.Episode 2 of the Knit One, Crochet Too podcast includes the following:1) Weekend Wrap-Up where Joyce tells us about her major stash re-organization, and Helene discusses her week-in-knitting projects. Joyce also gets tips on salvaging a project that came out too small.2) Do a little homework to learn how to transcribe information from garments you already own and love, onto a basic knitted t-shirt pattern.While Joyce discussed her systematic way of purging her stash, she mentioned the McClellan's Frankenmuth Woolen Mill where she had great luck in having fleeces washed and carded. She got back beautiful balls of roving, ready to be spun.We would both be interested to hear some of your de-stashing tips or anecdotes. Please feel free to share via comments below!Ok, so back to the now called "Linus Capelet and Ha