Elder Law Today Podcast

Elder Law Today Podcast Show #15 - You’ve Spent Down all Your Money and Still Can’t Get Medicaid – How Could This Happen?



You’ve spent down the remaining assets on Mom’s care and have no more money left. You apply for Medicaid but are told, “Sorry, Mom’s not eligible for another 8 months.” How could this happen? What can you do to avoid this horrific outcome? In Show 15 of his monthly Elder Law Today Podcast, practicing elder law attorney, Yale Hauptman, explains why spending down assets may not be as simple as you think. Medicaid rules are complex and it is easy to get tripped up. Well meaning citizens can unwittingly cause themselves to lose these essential benefits by creating transfers that are subject to a Medicaid transfer penalty. Learn the danger of paying home health aides cash and why that could result in long penalty periods. Discover why gifts made 4+ years before Medicaid is applied for can come back to haunt you. More importantly, learn how you can avoid these Medicaid traps and how to correct the mistakes you’ve already made. If you wait till you apply it’s too late. This episode is for anyone who