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Learn to Negotiate and Close



This is one post/chapter in a serialized book called Startup 101. For the introduction and table of contents, please click here . "It ain't over till the fat lady sings" means that nothing happens until you get the signature on the contract. That is when the money gets wired. Deals often get derailed. They drift, and then nothing happens. Or a competitor comes in and snatches the prize from you. That is why a "closer," someone who can seal the deal, is so prized. Sponsor . For enterprise systems, closing is a core competency. For Web ventures, you may need the skill less. But when you do need it (to raise money or win over a big strategic partner), you really need it. And you cannot delegate negotiating and closing. You can get advisors, but as the entrepreneur/CEO, you have to make the big calls. So, in this chapter we aim to distill a few libraries' worth of books on negotiating and closing into a few points for the busy entrepreneur. Four Points on Negotiation and Closing. Two ears, one mouth,. Wait until