[misadventures In Taiwan]

orwellian Taiwanese schools, what's chinese, funny notebooks



right click the icon and "save link as" to download the mp3, or click it to listen right away (9.7mb audio)topics:1. a Kaohsiung high school/ vocational school principal who checks Yahoo! Knowledge (Y! Taiwan's equivalent of Yahoo! Answers)and other websites for negative mentions of his chool. he'll then summon teachers to hunt for which student posted those offending (to him) items to punish (lower grades, etc).2. teachers at that school have to eat at the same table in the cafeteria with students during lunch time. they're also not allowed to bring their own food from home or buy from outside.3. sunburned badly for the love of art-- photographing sand crabs at the beach. 4. notebooks with funny Engrish blurbs on the cover-- more photos 5. Masons inviting people to tour their lodges to drum up publicity-- NYTimes article link (since this is an archive article, you'll have to pay to read the article in full. luckily, the NY Masons reproduced this article here ← click to read.)6. taiwanese split over ide