Reiki Unleashed Podcast

Transcending Separation Into Unity Consciousness



enjoy this season's podcast recorded on Maui on the heals of our annual Maui Sacred Journey and Reiki Trainings.  A powerful gathering, transcending separation into unity consciousness we live in a polarity world separation is inherent as part of our learning and growth a choice we all made as part of being on this earth plane and yet our polarized tendencies can gravitated towards extremes in which we lose complete touch with the reality that in fact all is unified our current world affairs have us in the throws of one of the most intense spiritual growth stages in the her/history of humanity we have the power to transcend the imbalances of our perception of who we are and our relationship with our bodies, the body of the earth and each other coming back to a place of unification back home to the heart join us from wherever you are this fall for upcoming Reiki I and II in November and Advanced Master training in December also inquire about private individual or group maui sacred journeys, as well as one on o