Ko Sales Coach

How to Compete and Win 100% of the Time



Sales is Competitive Sales is, by its very nature, competitive. Some love to compete with others for the top spot on the leader-board and for many it's what drives them to be the best. However for others, competition can lead to comparisons and comparing yourself to someone else can be demotivating. On today's show discover: ...why comparing yourself to others can move you further away from your goals; ... some simple steps to take your focus off others; and how you can compete and win 100% of the time! Comparison is the Death of Joy Mark Twain said that "comparison is the death of joy" and believe it or not recent studies have backed that up. Spending time comparing yourself to others can: lower your self esteem, cause you to feel down, and even cause feelings of envy. Remember you can only control you, focusing on someone else is a waste of energy. Also, it's not always a fair comparison. Everyone has different experiences, strengths and weaknesses. You have no idea what kind of journey they're on, how