
Cross-Training for Young Athletes



If the weather outside is frightful, the sprinters and cross-country runners in your house are probably going crazy. But it doesn't have to be that way, if you take advantage of one––or more––of the many cross-training options available in the winter months. In fact, some common running problems, including runner's knee and iliotibial (IT) band syndrome, can actually be helped by cross-training with a winter sport.  Listen in as Dr. Monica Rho, director of the Women’s Sports Medicine Program at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago and attending physician in the RIC Sports and Spine Rehabilitation Center, talks about the advantages of figure skating, hockey, downhill and cross-country skiing, and skate skiing for runners of all ages. She also provides some valuable advice about exercises to help prevent and rehabililate common running injuries, as well as some tips for training at elevation. This is one episode in which parents, coaches, and youth athletes alike can find something to use. So let's get movin