Retro Vgm Revival Hour

STAGE 74: Halloween 8



Far before the first leaf falls each autumn, everyone is already counting down the days to Halloween by devouring anything and everything pumpkin spice related, marathoning some of their favorite scary films, AND more importantly; curling up on the couch clutching their controller from their PC or console of choice and eating the candy they have collected through various neighborhoods. And since The month of chills is upon us, it's time to listen to some great video game music from various horror themed games that are sure to get you in the mood for some hauntingly good scares On the Annual Retro VGM Revival Hour Halloween Episode! So I hope you are ready, because these spectacularly spooky and absolutely terrifying Video game Music Tracks are here to raise the hairs in the back of your neck. SO GET READY!!!!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Game – Composer – Title⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1.) The Medium – Akira Yamaoka & Arkadiusz Reikowski – “I Want To Wear Your Skin, My Name Is Thomas, You Can’t Save Everyone Butterfly & Across The Shore