Joel 2 Generation Podcast

Episode 107: Biblical Covenants - Yesterday, Today and Forever



In this podcast, I teach on the 5 main covenants of the Old Testament (and yes, I'm aware some say there are 7 or even as many as 8). I explore these 5 Covenants: the Noahic, the Abrahamic, the Sinai (Mosaic) the Davidic,  and the New Covenant.A lot of problems occur when people read their Bibles and "mix and match" the different covenants. They assume that the promises of one covenant can be claimed today for themselves - but what if that covenant isn't for them? What if it has ended? What were they? Who were they made with? What were the "conditions"? Which ones are still 'in effect' today? Which ones affect us as Christians? Which one(s) was for the people of Israel only?The teaching ends by looking briefly at 3 theological camps - Replacement Theology (Supersessionism), Dispensationalism, and a new one called Commonwealth theology.