Kingdom Of Rock - Helping Diy Musicians And Music Entrepreneurs With Business

Christine Stevens Music Medicine – S2 E4



This week on Kingdom of Rock Podcast for DIY Musicians, Amanda Bocchi spoke with Christine Stevens. Christine Stevens is a music therapist who travels as a director of health and wellness for Remo drums around the world to do sonic healing and drum work. Christine has developed a method of sonic healing to address the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional dysfunction humans experience.  You can check out Christine at Upbeat Drum Circles Christine is also the author of Music Medicine - a book about sonic healing. Interview Highlights:Remo was on the forefront of developing women’s drums and empowering women drummers. elements of music discussed in the interview.Rhythm - correlates to the bodyHarmony - Everyone singing together (drum circle, choir)Melody - The Heart. (the flute)Silence - element for the mindWomen’s March in Washington DC